Thursday, March 12, 2009

"The Week Behind And The Week Ahead" or "How I Rediscovered My Best Friend Then Hurt My Head"

Where do I even begin about this week? How it started? How its ending? I guess I should start at the beginning.
It started out in the most fantastic way. I had spent Friday with my kids just goofing around. Well Friday night I was sitting on the couch at home with the kids watching a movie when I got a call from Enoch. We were just chatting and I realized it was about 9 o'clock my time which meant It would of been 11 o'clock his time in Georgia and I was curious as to what he was doing up so late. He then replied he was no longer in Georgia but back home in SLC and wanted to know If he could steal me away for a few hours. I knew he was gonna be home soon I just didn't know it was this soon and if it hadn't of been for the kids being over I would of flown over to him in no time. But he was cool about it and I saw him on Saturday afternoon instead and what a fantastic Saturday afternoon it was. He looked so good and so happy to be home and I just couldn't keep my hands off of him. LOL. We talked alot and just hung out and it was an amazing afternoon and I really realized then just how much I missed him and just how happy I was that he was finally home and on his way to being truly happy. I was so scared to see him when he called up and said he was five minutes away, but once I felt his arms around me again it was like truly being home and it felt so comfortable and so natural and right. All I have to say is no one dose the things to me that this man dose.

So Sunday I went to work and had a good time with my friends. Sundays at Comcast are so easy going and really makes the work week start out just right. I love my friends that I work with and they are the main reason I show up there every day like I do. I can always count on Arlin to do something outrageous right in the middle of a call just so we would all stop and laugh. Chuck with her ten dollar words and Keighley, There are no words to describe that girl, She has to be my non identical twin sister that was born 14 years later than I was.

Monday was pretty much the same as Sunday, Other than the thoughts of Enoch now being as close as he is and the fun great afternoon we spent on Saturday kept me going with a smile throughout my day.

Then Tuesday morning rolls around. I get up and get ready for work with my same trepidations about Comcast but with joy at the thought of seeing my friends when I get a call saying the phones are down at work you don't have to come in.........Joy oh Joy! I head up to Burger King and grab a bite of breakfast and head back home where I immediately get on the phone and call Enoch to let him know my whole day has opened up and a half hour later we were sitting on my couch doing what we do best! That was the absolute high point of my day.

2 hours later Enoch heads for his place and I head down the street in search of something else to eat. (This has been a great wake up call to me about keeping my house fully stocked with groceries so i can stay home more instead of out foraging for food.) As I approached 11th east on Ft. Union Blvd I came across a wreck in the middle of the road.I slowly went around it and was checking out the damage to the front end of a range rover when the car in front of me slammed on his breaks and I swerved and hit my breaks but I still rear ended him. The air bag didn't deploy and the seat belt didn't catch and I hit the steering wheel. The last thing I remember was a man making me hold a shirt to the side of my head and him telling me to hold the fuck still. The next thing I remember was that I was in the ambulance and on my way to the emergency room. I was crying and asking the paramedics to find my mom and to please find Enoch. There was alot of blood. I could feel it running down my face and in my hair and down my back.

3 hours after that and about 30 x-rays of my neck and a MRI of my head My parents were taking me home to there house with a head full of about 40 stitches and one nice looking black left eye. My car is no more and I'm home from work till Monday.

Im just thankful that all I got was a head full of stitches and a black eye. The other driver was just fine and he had minimal damage to his car. Ive posted a pic or two I'm my myspace profile of the lovely Frankenstein look I'm now sporting for the next couple of weeks till my head heals up.

But for now I'm just trying to stay off my feet and heal up and hopefully Enoch will be back around in a day or two to kiss my owie better and give me one of those hugs that only he can give. Then I'll get back to work and watch Arlin's face as I show him the big long gross bloody cut on my forehead. (He is a Wuss when it comes to gross things like this) and life will calm down and things will get back to normal!

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