Thursday, October 4, 2012

Prayers to St. Expedite


 I have always had an interest in the unusual. I'm always digging for the deeper meanings to life and have a firm grasp on taking my own spirituality into my own hands

The last few months I have learned a great deal about a seldom heard of Saint named St. Expedite. He is the patron Saint of emergencies. He is the "Why put off to tomorrow what you can do today" kind of Saint. He is wonderful at bringing around financial relief in a  hurry. He only asks for a nice glass of spring water, some red flowers (Roses preferably) and a nice slice of pound cake. (Totally serious about that one. Sara Lee if you can get it!) 


It is said that Expedite or "Expeditus" was a Roman Centurion who lived in the 4th century AD. It is believed he was beheaded around 303 AD

The most popular legend surrounding the saint says that the day when he decided to become a Christian,the Devil took the form of a crow (a snake in some versions of the legend) and told him to defer his conversion until the next day, but Expeditus stamped on the bird and killed it, declaring, "I'll be a Christian today!"


St. Expedite is prayed to in urgent causes and for speedy solutions.

He can also be prayed to or "Invoked" to help overcome obstacles that are in the way of your financial planning and success.

I have invoked him to help bring in money that it urgently and unexpectedly needed.

You can ask St. Expedite for a divine favor in finding work, money to pay your rent, medical bills and a ton of other pressing needs.



To petition Saint Expedite for financial emergencies is to take a white and a green candle, carve your name on them lengthwise. Light the candles (and continue lighting the candles and praying to him until you receive his answer.) Have faith and do not doubt his power or willingness to help you.

Write on a piece of paper EXACTLY what you need and why you need it

Pray to Saint Expedite

I call forth the Power and the presence of St. Expedite in my time of financial trouble. I offer my body, heart, mind and soul upon your altar of light. I have faith and trust and complete confidence that you will be my strength in this time of need. Quickly come to my assistance.
Bring to me ____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to find a way to get it to you.)
My financial need is urgent. Be my Light and Guide in this situation so that I may live with peace, love, prosperity and abundance and in the Praise of God.
(Now promise to give Saint Expedite a specific offering If your desire is granted.)


Light a Red and a yellow candle and recite the prayer every night until you get your wish

Saint Expedite, you lay in rest.
I come to you and ask that this wish be granted.

____________ (Clearly express what you want, and ask him to
find a way to get it to you.)

Expedite now what I ask of you.
Expedite now what I want of you, this very second.
Don't waste another day.
Grant me what I ask for.
I know your power, I know you because of your work.
I know you can help me.
Do this for me and I will spread your name with love and honor
so that it will be invoked again and again.
Expedite this wish with speed, love, honor, and goodness.
Glory to you, Saint Expedite!

As you recite this prayer, light a candle to Saint Expedite next to a glass of water for the Saint. Recite daily until the request is granted, then be sure to give Saint Expedite a gift. Also you can place an ad in the newspaper thanking Saint Expedite, Blog about it But be sure to spread his name and what he has done for you so that his name and glory will spread and grow.

These are just a few examples of how to Invoke or pray to this wonderful Saint

He has helped me and I know he can help you

Brightest Blessings and Much Love

1 comment:

  1. St. Expedite I truly thank you for being by my side in a time of great need you are truly to be praised as a great intercessor on behalf of those who call on you. May you be honored always.
