Saturday, November 17, 2012

All I've Ever Wanted


Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi
Rwyf bob amser yn cael a bob amser yn
Os gwelwch yn dda deffro i fyny ac yn fy ngweld fel yr wyf yn wirioneddol am i chi
Rwyf wrth fy modd i chi

You looked the same. Yet it was better than last time.
It was hard to explain but you looked so good to me.

I'd been given the chance to revisit an old hurt.
I fought against it but yielded in the end and felt it all again.
Oh my how I have grown but can still embrace you just as you are.

Honestly this scares the hell out of me.
This fear has me chilled down to the bone.
Can you blame me?
I sit and listen quietly to all you have you say.
Yet in my head all I can hear is....*It's me, It's me, Oh my God I'm right in front of you, It's me!!!!!*

This is the old story and I don't want that any longer.
We have a chance for a new story. 
This time I want the story to be about communication, reciprocation and bonding.

I've been told *Patience, Patience*
[Sigh] The story of my life.

I'm tired of the doubt, the hurt and confusion.
All I've ever wanted was for you to hold my hand and never let go.
All I've ever wanted is just you.

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