Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Relationships, Work, Computers, Car Wrecks and other messed up things

So the PC at home died and I don't know when I'm gonna be on the web again.
I think its Karma telling me to take a break.
The only reason I'm here now is I took my kids up to the library to check out some books and check my ever growing email.

I saw Terri today and she says I'm right where I need to be.
Enoch will be back around shortly and to just be patient with him. She says my gut feeling is right about him. "Always stick to your gut Amy" She says that she sees him around me and my children for a very long time. She says I just need to be patient. I would wait for him for ever.

I had my stitches out of my head yesterday and my memory is starting to return so things are looking up there. my car however is totaled. The car was paid off and the insurance bought it for 6 grand, so there's a bright spot.

I don't have to be back to work till Monday. Now if my taxes would just get here everything will be just grand.

Don't know when I can get back on here and update but it will be soon

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