Thursday, March 12, 2009


So there's this guy.
And this guy means the world to me.
I met him back in April and I've never looked back

The fact of the matter is I asked the Universe for this man
And I think the universe granted me my greatest wish
I had been dating a bit and realized the men I was dating were not who I wanted to be with
They were not the type of men that I wanted to share my life with
So one night when I new I was ready to find my best friend I sat down and created a spell
A petition to the Universe
It was a very powerful creation of my own design
Alot of work and planning and care went into this spell
I was very specific about this person I wanted in my life
I would not settle for less
Then when I knew it was right, when the moon was just right on the right night
I went out into nature and I created a natural alter
I chanted and meditated for hours
I gathered my ingredients and tools
I then made my sacrifice to my Goddess Bridget
And I sent this spell into the Universe
Three nights later I was spending one of the best nights of my life with this man that I asked for

We met up in the bookstore
I was on the second floor and I saw him walk in and my heart stopped
There was this giant of a man, Tall and Thick and Large and Oh so very handsome
He was physically just as I described in my petition

I walked downstairs and and we met by the Starbucks
He had on these goofy glasses and my heart melted
He was so handsome and when he hugged me I just melted in his big arms
There was defiantly something about this man
Something very definite and good and right
He ordered a coffee and then promptly spilt it all over the counter
This guy was a keeper

We spent the evening together and it was fantastic
We talked and learned so much about each other
We found that we had alot in common
And I knew that this was a man I wanted to have in my life
The more I learned about him the more I knew this was whom I had petitioned the Universe for

Weeks went by and we talked and went out and had alot fun together
We learned so much about each other and we had such great communication
Then at the end of April he left to Ft. Benning
I honestly thought it was gonna be the last time I saw this man
He had renewed his contract with the Army for 8 years

Weeks went by and I hadn't heard from him
I then thought I really never was gonna hear from him ever again
I took my time and experience with him and kept it close to my heart as a wonderful memory

Some time went by
I thought maybe it was time to redo the petition
Tweak the spell a little bit

So about a month after he left I again went out into nature
I again made a natural alter
I again chanted and meditated for hours
I again gathered my ingredients and my tools
I again made the sacrifice to my Goddess Bridget
And again I sent this spell into the Universe

Three nights later on a warm evening in May I was on my way home from work and my thoughts drifted back to Enoch
I realized I really missed him and I wondered how he was doing
I went to bed that night thinking of him and wishing I could hear from him again

The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing
And guess who it was
That's right
He had been sent home on a medical furlow due to an injury
And he wanted to know if he could see me
Of course he could see me
Silly boy

We spent a a good day up little cottonwood canyon
We spent alot of good days after that
We talked alot and did alot of fun things with each other
The communication between us was good
It was a good summer with him
I knew then that the Universe sent him to me in request of my petition
He was everything I ever asked for
This wasn't one of those hopeful feelings
This was a deep down in my gut kinda feeling
One of those positive absolutely sure feelings
I only had this kind of feeling twice in my whole life so I knew it was real

Then one day about the end of July He had new orders
He was off to Ft.Benning again and this time for good
So we thought
But this time we kept in touch
We grew closer and learned even more about each other

Around October I went to see my spiritual adviser
A wonderful and gifted psychic and witch
She then confirmed for me that yes, This man was the one
That Yes, The Universe sent him to me
And that the Universe sent me to him
She also said that he would be home by February

Then Christmas came
News of him coming home for the holidays came with it

He walked into my house and hugged me
It once again felt like home
Comfortable and right and natural
I made him a huge blanket to keep him comfortable on hard nights in Georgia
And we had a good Christmas
It was then I learned that he would be coming home for good in the middle of February
He had gotten his medical discharge and he was done
(The Army had other Ideas and didn't let him come home till March But still!)

Somethings happened around January
Life got very hard for me
Hard enough to make it hard on Enoch
We had to step back and re-evaluate a few things
Took a break from each other
But we soon realized that our friendship meant more to us than stupid arguing
Things became back to as close to normal as they could be
I had my best friend back

I saw him again for the first time since Christmas this last Saturday
Damn did he look good
We talked and hugged and spent a good afternoon together
I missed him
Old feelings had started to resurface
But this time around I need to be patient
Ive been told that he is worth waiting for
And I know that deep down in my heart
And I would wait forever for him
But what the Universe gives it can be so easily be taken away
And I wont let that happen this time
I cherish my friend Enoch
I never want him to leave my life
I know in him that I will always have the best of friends
I know in him I will always have that trusted confidant
The one person I can tell anything too
The one man I could truly give my whole entire heart to
And I hope one day, If the Universe grants it, We can be just more than best friends

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