Saturday, March 21, 2009

So Tell Me, Is My Hair On Fire?

I don't know why,
Its only Saturday after all
And I have this whole beautiful day in front of me to do just as I please
Plus tomorrow is wide open for me as well,
But I am dreading going back to work on Monday

Oh and FYI
No, My hair is not on fire
I do take care of myself
And these are issues I did not ask for nor did I bring them on myself
I could see your point if this drama was brought about onpurpose
But it wasn't
It is just bad timing and rotten luck

I could say the same about you as well,
You have only been home for two weeks
And because things haven't fallen completely into perfect place
You are stressing way too much
You will get a job,
You will get a truck,
You will get a place of your own
You need a little bit of time to readjust and calm down a bit and everything will all fall into place

Just remember you don't have to do it by yourself
I know that's what your use to and your stubborn as shit but there are people who love you that is offering a helping hand.
Enoch, You have a friend in me,

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