Thursday, March 19, 2009

Phones computers and other karmically lined oddities

With me being out of work for almost the month of March, Lets just say money is tight right now. The cell phone got shut off yesterday cause I just couldn't afford it right now, but I should have it on again within a few days, the PC died last Saturday and I cant afford to get it fixed or replaced until my tax refund gets in.

I believe it is Karma telling me I need to take a break from the whole electronic thing for awhile. I had found myself online much more than usual gaming and writing and RPing. It really was taking up alot of my time that should of been spent elsewhere. Its not so bad up here at the library, it gives me time restraints so I have to get off when the timer tells me to. LOL

Its also a blessing in disguise that my phone was turned off. I found myself completely attached to that tiny hunk of mettle. I needed a break from alot of outside stimulus that the phone was bringing into my life. I needed a break from certain people. I miss him dearly and want nothing more than to talk to him but Karma (and I) think that I need a small break from him. What is the old saying "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." I believe this to be true. Karma told me enough for now and I appreciate it! Karma can be a bitch but thankfully she is my friend.

Yesterday Terri told me a few interesting things about what is going on with me. She said I have picked up a new spirit guide. A Drill Sargent type of man who is here to get me on the right track without me arguing with him. "Ours is not to reason why, Ours is but to do or die!" She told me that if I listen to him and hold on to my grandmothers words of love and advice I will be a very happy individual and everything that I need and want in my life will come to fruition. My problem is I am very much like Verruca Salt "I Want It, And I Want It Now!" So the one thing I am working on right now is my Patience. If I can over come my impatient issues so much will be opened up to me and those that I love will come back around.

The Spring Equinox is this Friday and Ive planned a big party and ceremony with my friends of the Wicca persuasion for Ostera. I'm very excited about this and its going to be very special this year. Terri let me know that if I worked my special kind of magic that I have on Thursday night it will be very likely that the Universe will be very kind to me and send me just what I want. I'm working hard right now on a new Ostera ceremony right now and it will be beautiful and very magical.

Terri also told me to not worry anymore about asking for just what I need to get by, its time for me to reach for the stars, to go all out and be grandiose. So I am going to be! She told me I'm done paying Karma, its time for Karma to pay me! I love Terri.

Happy Ostera All

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