Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A My Life Update


OMG, Its been way to long...and I mean WWWAAAYYY to long. (Bad blogger)
I have much to tell you all about what has been going on in my life. Happy beautiful things are going on.

As alot of my friends may have known, I started a new job the end of March. I never really talked about it alot because...I wont lie....It was the worst job in the world. You know it's the worst job when you wake up in the morning crying and trying to find any excuse not to be there even though you needed the money in the worst way. You know it's the worst job in the world when you find yourself getting up from your desk every half hour to go hide out in the tears. You know it's the worst job in the world when you sneak out 10 minutes early every day just to get the hell out of there not caring if you get in trouble or not.

Yes folks, I worked as a Phone Agent for CONVERGYS!!!!!

Never again. Never ever ever ever again in my whole life will I work for a company that treats you like cattle. A company where you are a number and not a name. A company who could care less about you as a human being and only look at you as a statistic. They paid me shit and the whole building looked and felt like a Dungeon. We were not allowed to have the blinds open on the windows for "Security" reasons..."CoughsBullshitCoughs" and the whole interior looked as if someone with the worst cold in the world sneezed all over the insides and no one cared enough to clean up afterword's. Gross I know.

I struggled for a long time to keep my spirits up and to keep going there day after day. I was becoming depressed again and I could feel the good warmness I was so use to feeling inside of me drain away quickly.

Anyone who knows me knows I have been a practicing witch for along time. I had been working Career and Job spells for months and months and the only thing that had come through for me was gross old Convergys. I began to doubt myself and my abilities to manifest good and wonderful things into my life. Depression truly set in at this time. I would be driving to work in tears hoping my car would vear off the road and hit the concrete barrier just so I wouldn't have to go to work that day.....NOT GOOD PEOPLE......NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!!!!!

One night around the middle of May I was sitting in my circle trying to do yet another New Job/Career Spell hoping that this one would work, when out of the blue my bestest Friend Jade called and said that she could feel me and knew something was up and wanted to know. (Jade is a very gifted Clairvoyant and always calls just at the right moment)

I immediately burst into tears I told her what I was trying to do. She laughed and told me not to stress anymore, she was going to help me. As I sat with my beautiful brown and green candle reciting the incantation, she walked me through an Quantum NLP process. (I will explain more in a later post about what QNLP is, for now, Just Google it and know it WORKS!!!)
Basically what we did that night is take the fear of not getting the job of my dreams out of me and we replaced it with good warm love from the Archangels. We made a list of exactly what I wanted a new job to be filled with only putting positive words and intent into my list.

I wanted to work in a small office environment where my contributions would be recognized and appreciated. Where they would pay me a fair wage for a fair days worth of work. A place where I could easily make Friends and be an important part of a team. Where the work load was easy and I would catch on quickly. A Job in which I wasn't expected to sell anything. A place that I could see myself staying for a very long time.

2 weeks later I received a phone call from a lovely woman by the name of Robin Hartman from a company I put in an application for almost 2 months earlier. Cogent Health Care. Hmmmm, Now where did I hear that name before, Oh Yeah......My Aunt Janet has worked for Cogent for almost 10 years and she told me back the first of April to get my Resume in to the HR department, that she thought they were hiring.

Robin asked if I was still interested in interviewing for a position for the Walgreens Pharmacy Help Desk Agent that a few positions opened up. I jumped on it and said YYYEEESSS. (Well, not quite that way, I was very professional and polite and did not scream yes in poor Robins ear, but Inside I was jumping for JOY!!!!)

3 days later I was sitting in Robins office with Resume in hand and dressed to kill. The interview went so well she had me come in for a second interview with the Department manager and Supervisor. again, Three days later I was once again sitting in an office in front of two very sweet ladies feeling very good about my chances. I went home that afternoon and thanked the Archangels Michael and Raphael for this incredible chance at a new beginning. I felt like I could do anything.
Robin did tell me I would have to wait about a week before a decision was made and that I would know then one way or the other. 7 days, 7 long long days I waited. I continued to go to work at Convergys, Hating every minute of it, yet Praising my Angels for the wonderful new chance they were giving me. I would sit in my grungy little cubical and envision myself sitting at Cogent in a nice big cubical living a good life and loving my job.

The 7'th day came and no phone call by noon. ( I stayed home from work that day just to take this phone call...LOL) I made a decision, If I didn't hear anything by 2 o'clock I would call Robin and get the verdict. 2 o'clock came and I couldn't stand it anymore, I picked up the phone and called Robin and she gave me the GREAT news. I was hired. thanking Robin profusely I hung up the phone and again, burst into tears. This time in complete joy and gratitude at the wonderful gift I had just been given. I gave thanks to my Angels for helping make this happen, I gave thanks to my Mother Goddess Bridget for standing by me and accepting my Magick, I gave thanks to my guides, My Grandmother Virgina, My ancestor Colin Campbell and I gave thanks to The Universe in General.

I started my new job on June 8'th and I have never looked back. And let me tell you all something.....It is just like Jade and I created in my Magickal circle that night in May. I work in a small office environment where my contributions are recognized and appreciated. I am paid a fair wage for a fair days worth of work. It is a place where I can easily make Friends and be an important part of a team. The work load is easy and I did catch on quickly. I don't have to sell anything. This really is a place that I can see myself staying for a very long time.
The long and short of it all is.....I am HAPPY!!!!!

Brightest Blessings to you all!!!!!

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