Monday, July 18, 2011

My Weekend And How The Celtic Cross Explains It All

I had the best weekend.

It was full of Harry Potter, A trip to Roy and Chock full of Sleeping In and reading. Not to mention a certian amout of HIGH Dragon Energy comming from a certian someone.

The Energy I was reciving was amazing. I hadnt felt that kind of Energy from this particular individuale in alog time.

I pulled my cards and I did a reading concerning this energy bieng directed at me. Me and my curiosity. LOL

I did a celtic Cross spread. This is what it looks like.


1. The Basis:
The basis of the situation. The general tone of the reading and the problem for the querent.


The Hierophant
What has worked before works equally well now. History holds many answers. Some rules simply cannot be broken. An adherence to tradition, old rules, the cycles of nature and the most fundamental truths.

2. Obstacles:
The challenges or obstacles that lie in the querent's path. This "crossover card" is always read in the upright position.


The Star
Faith brings unexpected assistance. Dreams should never be put aside and must always remain part of one's personal life-equation. Hope springs eternal as does the light of the star. Look far into the distance.

3. Subconscious:
How the querent truly feels about the matter. These are hidden thoughts, fears or emotions which may come into play now or at a later time.


Four of Cups
Mixed Emotions
A confusion of emotions and thoughts. That which was once clear has become sullied with too many outside forces. Something has gone off course. Remember what you want. Avoid temptation.

4. The Past:
The events in the recent past that influence or effect the querent's question. Possibly a person, an event or a previous psychological or spiritual state.


Nine of Pentcals
[ inverted meaning ]
A bad risk. What was ventured has now been lost. A waste of time or money. A message regarding damage and loss.

5. The Conscious:
The querent's surface feelings, or conscious thoughts on the subject. Compare with Position #3.


The World
[ inverted meaning ]
A false sense of completion. To "rest on one's laurels". Becoming lazy after a minor accomplishment. The road goes on, do not rest here.

6. The Future:
An event, state of mind, person or spiritual state that will occur in the future.


Four of Wands
Visual beauty and perfect grace. Unions of perfect harmony and beautiful synergy. The pursuit of flawlessness. A good relationship.

7. The Querent:
This position gives insight into the current attitude of the querent and how they fit into the situation.


Eight of Pentacles
[ inverted meaning ]
Sloppiness. A task that has been completed without care. A failure to learn from the mistakes of the past. An oversight.

8. The Environment:
This position relates to the relative surroundings of the querent in this matter. Consider relationships including friends, family or professional associates.


Ten of Wands
[ inverted meaning ]
Difficult demands are met. Inhibitions are overcome. A time for personal liberation is at hand.

9. Hopes and Fears:
This position provides insight into the querent's outlook about resolutions and outcomes of the situation -- or who the querent hopes (or fears) will be involved.


Seven of Pentcals
[ inverted meaning ]
Diligence. An attention to detail at every level. A labour of love. A task which bears the mark of attention and perfectionism

10. Final Outcome:
This position gives a glimpse into the final outcome of the situation and how it will play out over time.


Moderation in all forms including spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional. Walk the middle path. Balance and even-handedness.

What this all boils down to is, I was throught about alot over the weekend by this certian individual and the things that I have wanted and wished for could come to pass if I have paitents.

Good luck to you all and remeber, Brightest blessings.

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