Friday, July 15, 2011

Hey Amy, Are you a Werewolf?


Have you ever had one of those days? Not a bad day.......exactly, but not a great day either......Just a wierd day.

One of those kind of days where work is abnormally busy. One of those days that the people you are dealing with on the phones are a little...Ummm....Lets be nice and not say...."Coughs"......Retarded maybe? How about we will call it Moon Struck! Yeah Moon Struck is a good word for it. One of those days that leave you feeling dizzy and not knowing if you are comming or going.

I am having one of these types of days. The phones are ringing off the hook with the strangest and mostly.....STUPIDEST things you could imagine. (I swear to the God's someone has had to have dumped a HUGE supply of Valume and/or Cocaine in the Main Water supply for America because almost everyone around the country I have talked to is ether High or just doesnt give a fuck) Little bits of Drama keep popping up in my perosnal life that I thought I had squashed along time ago and I am now Having to squash again and all my guy freinds around me feel the need to tell me just how horney they really truly are at this very moment....Like I can or WILL do anything about that...AAACCCKKK

My friend Tonya was mentioning to me this morning that she was feeling how weird today is as well. She said something about thinking it may be a full moon or something.

*Smacks hand to forehead and does a Homer Simpson* DOH

Tonight is Full Moon. All the wierdo's come out on days and nights like this.

As Tonya and I were sitting here talking of full moons another Coworker asked me.....Amy, Are you a Werewolf? Replying in my smart assed way I said "No, Im a vampire, and not one of those Faggy Sparkly Twilight Vampires" The only thing he could say to that is..."Thats so last year."

Happy Full Moon All! Stay indoors or all those naughty little Werewolves are gonna come and getcha!

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