Monday, April 25, 2011

Hiding in Plain Sight


I stood in the shadows
You stood in the doorway
I was hidden by darkness
The light streamed over you

You looked beautiful

All I could do was stand and watch
So close, Oh so very close
I could of reached out and touched you
But I didn't

Yet I wanted to, More than anything.

I could hear your voice
I stood silent
I could feel your warmth
It made me glow

You filled me up with your happiness, It has been a long time

You stood bathing in the light
A giant among men
Happier than you had been in a long time
This was a gift from the Goddess

My heart was glad for you and I wanted to share in this with you so badly

I loved you fully and completely at this moment
And I begged for more
"Please let this be the beginning of more things to come,
Magickal things filled with wonder"

I loved you fully and completely at this very moment
Fully and Completely. Hiding in plain sight.

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