Friday, April 1, 2011

Things I Should Be Doing


So my friend Jade told me this afternoon that the Magickal items I've given to her to try out have been working phenomenally. She feels I should be selling these items online.

I make different types of magickal oils. You use them to dress candles for candle spells and such. You can also use a drop or two in your bath water for a magickal bath to cleanse yourself before you begin your spell work. I make money and luck drawing oils, I make an incredibly strong power oil and I make a very nice love drawing oil.

She says however that my banishing powder is by far the strongest product I make. Jade and a few of her other friends have tried it out here and there and have had wild and wonderful results. A friend of Jade's placed some of this powder under her bosses chair and she stated that her boss could not stay in his seat the whole day. Something was always coming up to get him away from his desk. Jade used some to remove a bad problem in her business life and her energy has risen and the calmness has returned.

I am thinking either I need to start my own Etsy or just transfer my Tarot site into an actual business for my magickal goods.

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