Sunday, September 25, 2011

And It Was All Yellow........


I sat next to you as we drove down the small countryside lane and through the chilly autumn sunshine.

You were happy. Happier than I had seen you in such a long time.

As time passed and we rambled down the deserted road the smile on your face grew.

I was happy. It was bliss to just sit next to you and enjoy the comfortable silence.

The car began to slow and drift to the side of the road. I was pulled away from my thoughts and comfort and happiness to see you engulfed in pure joy.

You turned off the car and got out and leaned against the drivers side door. I got out as well and stood next to you. All you could do is stand and stare at the trees turning colors all around us. "Amy, It's so yellow, I haven't seen this color since I was little. This is what God looks like"

Something inside you at that moment finally broke through and reached the surface and your sight...your inner sight...began to clear and show you the beauty of the world around you like you haven't seen in a long time.

You put your arms around me and hugged me close and kissed me on the cheek. You didn't let go for a very very long time. I didn't mind in the least. I felt love bursting at your heart and it was joy!

You let me go and looked at me. Smiling like I had never seen you smile before you told me how you loved the look of my eyes in the autumn sunset and asked me to dive the rest of the way, you wanted to enjoy your new found sight.

I took the wheel and you climbed in the passenger seat. Enraptured at the new color you found in your life, you put your arm around me and we drove onwards, through the country lane, surround by the trees...and it was all yellow.

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