Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Tattooed Virgin

I have been on this earth for 37 years. Not to long by most standards but still long enough in today's world for going without any ink on my body.

I have always wanted to get a tattoo but something had always prevented me from doing so. Money, time ex-husbands and so on and so forth. Yet my body cried out for Ink. It needed fae magick on her. She screamed it to me time and time again.

I had found my perfect companion in this wonderful little bueaty


I found her about 7 years ago and tried time after time to bring her to life somewhere on my body. It just never happened......till last night that is.

My friend Paul has a friend who is trying to earn extra money to get to Washington State and buy his way into a tattoo parlor. He was doing Tattoo work for nice and cheap to help him on his journey. I saw some of his work and saw just how talented he really was and decided now was the time. I had the money and I have the time so Saturday I did it.

(Just after my back was cleaned and sanitized he stenciled my girl right on my left shoulder blade)

(The outlining was the worst part of it....If someone tells you getting a Tattoo doesn't hurt...they are lying to you. Like hell it doesn't hurt...It hurts like a mother fucker...Imagine the worst cat scratch you've ever had but it going on over and over and over and over and over...Enoch was so full of shit....he tried to tell me that whenever he got Tattooed he feel asleep cause he loved the feel of the vibrations so much...Yeah.Oh and my hell was it messy!)

(He is just about finished with the shading in the blue on her wings and skirt. The shading part wasnt too bad, it was more like someone dragging a needle across your skin over and over again...Wait...thats exactly what its like...LOL Look at how red I am....Ouchie)

(And shes finished, Its not the best picture of her because I'm still all red and bleeding and whatnot but she was so worth it. I love her and now I can really feel the Fae magick I had been missing for years.)

So in conclusion, I am a puss but I would do it again in a heart beat.

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