Saturday, March 26, 2011

The ABC's of Amy

So I found this little bit of fun stuff on many blogs over the last few weeks and I thought...hmm...My here goes...All about Amy.


A. Age: 37 and I don't wish to discuss this.

B. Bed size: California King...It's massive and oh so comfy

C. Chore you dislike: Dishes, with an all consuming fiery passion of a thousand suns.

D. Dogs: Many in my lifetime but none right now.

E. Essential start to your day: Hot shower and a cold Coke.

F. Favorite color: Green in all it's shades

G. Gold or silver: Sterling Silver or White Gold.

H. Height: 6'1

I. Instruments you play(ed): Classical Cello for over 8 years

J. Job title: Customer Service Rep, Web Site Builder, Mom

K. Kids: 2 wonderful human children and 4 feathery furry babies.

My 17 year old son J.D.

My 14 year old daughter Julie

They really do love each other

My sweet kitty Butch

My sweet kitty Scooter

My little birdie Lenny

My noisy little room mate Mr. Nibbles

L. Live: Utah

M. Mom’s name: Carolyn

N. Nicknames: Ame's, Amos, Blondie, Wench

O. Overnight hospital stays: A few times

P. Pet peeves: Uptight Close minded Condescending Know it all's.

Q. Quote from a movie: "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?" ~Monty Python and The Holy Grail

R. Righty or lefty: Righty.

S. Siblings: Kelly, Joanie and Holly

T. Tattoo's: My very first and only tattoo I got a week ago and I love her so very very much

U. Underwear: I love very comfy, Very cute boy shorts....No wedgies.

V. Vegetables you don’t like: Way to many to count. it would be easier to tell you about the vegetables I do like

W. What makes you run late: Usually my kids or my lack of wanting to get up out of bed on time.

X. X-rays you've had: Lots. Bad knees, bad kidneys, bad back the car chrash that left 40 stitches in my head

Y. Yummy food you make: My kids pretty much love anything I make from scratch. I love to cook. I would have to say my cheesecake is to die for, JD loves my homemade Pizza and Pasta, Julie loves my Grilled Salmon with oven roasted potatoes and Corn Cakes.

Z. Zoo animal favorites: I hate the zoo. The only zoo I have ever been too was the Hogal Zoo in Salt Lake. It's tiny and small and the poor animals look all cramped and miserable. But I do love the big cats. Mountain Lions especially. (She is my Totem after all.)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Tattooed Virgin

I have been on this earth for 37 years. Not to long by most standards but still long enough in today's world for going without any ink on my body.

I have always wanted to get a tattoo but something had always prevented me from doing so. Money, time ex-husbands and so on and so forth. Yet my body cried out for Ink. It needed fae magick on her. She screamed it to me time and time again.

I had found my perfect companion in this wonderful little bueaty


I found her about 7 years ago and tried time after time to bring her to life somewhere on my body. It just never happened......till last night that is.

My friend Paul has a friend who is trying to earn extra money to get to Washington State and buy his way into a tattoo parlor. He was doing Tattoo work for nice and cheap to help him on his journey. I saw some of his work and saw just how talented he really was and decided now was the time. I had the money and I have the time so Saturday I did it.

(Just after my back was cleaned and sanitized he stenciled my girl right on my left shoulder blade)

(The outlining was the worst part of it....If someone tells you getting a Tattoo doesn't hurt...they are lying to you. Like hell it doesn't hurt...It hurts like a mother fucker...Imagine the worst cat scratch you've ever had but it going on over and over and over and over and over...Enoch was so full of shit....he tried to tell me that whenever he got Tattooed he feel asleep cause he loved the feel of the vibrations so much...Yeah.Oh and my hell was it messy!)

(He is just about finished with the shading in the blue on her wings and skirt. The shading part wasnt too bad, it was more like someone dragging a needle across your skin over and over again...Wait...thats exactly what its like...LOL Look at how red I am....Ouchie)

(And shes finished, Its not the best picture of her because I'm still all red and bleeding and whatnot but she was so worth it. I love her and now I can really feel the Fae magick I had been missing for years.)

So in conclusion, I am a puss but I would do it again in a heart beat.

Monday, March 14, 2011

De-Motivational Mondays

Its Monday and time for a bit of motivation...Um....De-Motivation. yeah, thats more like it.

I was at the grocery store today and out front of the store was a troop of cute little girl scouts selling yummy Thin Mints and Tag-a-longs. Yay for cookies. I love Girl Scout cookies. Buying Girl Scout cookies is for a good cause actually. It helps the Girl Scout organization as a whole and it helps the girls with social skills and the pride of helping themselves and their troop.

Now if you ever thought of passing these cute little girls by...think on this poster a minute.


Now...Go out and buy some fucking cookies.

It's So Feng Shui


Last Thursday I went to a Feng Shui Dream Board class at the Golden Braid Bookstore taught by my friend Jade. What this class did was give us all an insight to the importance of Feng Shui and how we can manifest out dreams through this Chinese practice of placement and energy flow.

According to the website "Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice. It is the art of placing and arranging matter and space in the correct manner such that harmony with the environment is achieved. This harmony can refer to the harmony in the home, in relationships, in wealth and many other aspects in our lives. The practice has been around for several thousands of years and is still practiced in China and many parts of the world up to this day."

What I have found through alot of study is Feng Shui is a very important practice that has proven results. What else I have found out is.....Feng Shui is a pain in the ass.

Do you know how hard it is to Feng Shui a small apartment? Its damn near impossible. Its been driving me nuts for the last two days. There are only so many positions you can put a couch in your apartments living room and apparently none of the places I can put my couch is Feng Shui friendly.

According to this same website I cited above you can also improve your romantic life through Feng Shui...

"Feng Shui Tip
Want to improve your romance? First, clean up your home and free it from clutter. This is because a messy or cluttered room does not promote proper flow of chi. Instead it will leave it stagnant and stale."

Okay...I can agree with that (looks in her scary closet and shudders at the thought of cleaning it out.....Not to mention the recliner full of dirty laundry that has been sitting there over a week)

Feng Shui Tip
"Bedroom, for most of us, is for rest and relaxation only. Hence, do not bring work into the bedroom as the stress of work will permeate the feeling of harmony and make your love life stressful. It is also advisable not to work out in the bedroom as well since the strain and exertion of your exercise could remain and affect your love life. That is Feng Shui Bedroom for you."

But...But...But....I live in a one bedroom apartment and the only place I have room to put my computer is in my bedroom...and since most of my work consists of being on the computer....Dose that mean I'm fucked in the romance department?

Another article I read also stated you shouldn't have any mirrors in your bedroom as others can remove the good flow of Chi through them.....What...The...Hell?...My bedroom is nothing but mirrors. I have a huge mirror over my sink...yes my bathroom sink is in my bedroom..don't ask, my place is walk in closet with sliding doors is nothing but mirror and is right in front of my bed...which apparently is also a big no no. So according to Feng Shui...I will never get laid again. That makes me a sad panda.

And according to another article it is optimal to have your bathroom located in the Northwest section of your home.....You can Feng Shui your bathroom?...Well, I guess optimal flow of Chi can help you in there...Get it...Flow...yeah...I'm that enough....that is the only thing in my tiny little apartment that is Feng Shui friendly. My bathroom sits directly in the Northwest quadrant of my home. Woohoo me....Bring on the steak...its flowing through baby!

Now apparently if you cannot Feng Shui your furniture and possessions in a optimal flow pattern (Looks at her cramped little space and sighs) you can place things in your home called Feng Shui Cures. A Feng Shui Cure consists of placing an object in a certain spot in your home facing a certain direction to nullify the bad chi and/or to help the flow of good chi into your home.

A cure can be something like a small statue of a Dragon or a Phoenix placed just right. You can get a money tree and place it by your door to help the flow of money come into the home. But be careful, if that part of your home is not in accordance to the Chinese Bagua then you can be doing it all for nothing.

What is A Bagua you ask? Another very important step in the process of Feng Shuing your home. (Is Feng Shuing even a word? I don't care, I'm using it.) It is an 8 sided map or compass to where things in your home should be placed. North South East West Northeast Southeast Northwest and Southwest. In general, The Bagua is another tool that is a pain in the ass. Important....but a huge pain none the less.

Example....The Southwest of your bedroom should be Feng Shui devoted to love and romance.

Well, in the Southwest of my room I have a bathroom medicine cabinet and a bathroom sink. (told you, tiny apartment) And to top it all off...Mirrors EVERYWHERE.......AAACCCKKK. No love for Amy.

How in the hell do you Feng Shui a medicine cabinet and a bathroom sink? All I could do is buy a few cures. I have my Dream Board that is dedicated to love and romance sitting on top of the medicine cabinet...(Its very pretty there and looks down on my as I sleep, all pink and sparkly full of pictures of happy couples holding hands and kissing) and underneath the cabinet I have put two peaking ducks...a cure for the Feng Shui of love.)

Now...Anyone who knows me knows that I am a witch and a Celtic Witch at that. I practice a very old ancient Celtic Irish path of the craft, I work with old Celtic Deities and I love every bit of what I do. Feng Shui however is something very new to me and its confusing the ever living fuck out of me.

Please readers, Don't think I am here bashing the ancient art of Feng Shui, I'm not. It's something I have seen in practice and I have seen it work. It's a practice that has been around for centuries with very proven results. Results I want to be a part of. I want more money flowing into my life, I want love to walk right through my door, sweep me off my feet and take me straight to my bedroom (Waggles Eyebrows suggestively)But holy fuck am I limited in what I can and can't do in my tiny space.

So in conclusion, I keep reading on this ancient art and I keep finding new horrors in my home that are Feng Shui killers and I do my best to cure them. I will keep you updated on the struggle and hopefully I will have some good results soon.

Happy Feng Shuing.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spell Work Saturday


I have been thinking about what to do for different days of the week to help my little blogging adventure be more productive not only for me but for my readers as well. So on Saturdays I will be introducing a new bit of spell work for those of you who are practitioners of Magick to help you along on your everyday path.

This is a nice little bit of hoodoo that really helps bring in some money when its very much needed. It comes from the book Rootwork by Tayannah Lee McQuillar. Try it, you will LOVE it!!!

It's called "The Big Bank Book" Candle Spell


A little honey
A little sugar
A little cinnamon
1 green wind chime candle. (I use the wind chime size because they don't take to long to burn down completely and you can actually pack more power into those little candles than you can in a big candle or a votive and the energy is released to the universe quickly.)


Take the green wind chime candle in your hand of power and charge it with the intent of MONEY!!!!!
Once you feel the candle is full of your intent take the honey and put it in a small bowl and mix in the sugar. Anoint the candle with the honey sugar mixture and leave a little of the mixture aside.
Place the candle in its holder then dust with the cinnamon.
Place a little of the honey sugar mixture on your tongue...DO NOT SWALLOW YET....and you then tell that candle covered in honey and sugar exactly what you need and how much you need and when you need it!
See...your sweet talking the candle...LOL
Light the candle and swallow the honey mixture. Bury any remnants of the candle once its burned completely down and remember...Believe and Receive.

Good luck with this spell and Blessed Be

The White Blank Page


It's Late, I cant sleep....Again....and I know I need to blog something.
But what? The white blank page on my computer screen mocks me....Ohhhhhh.....Now I know.
The White Blank Page.

"White Blank Page"
"Can you lie next to her and give her your heart, your heart?
As well as your body, and can you lie next to her and confess your love, your love?
As well as your folly and can you kneel before the king and say ‘I’m clean’, ‘I’m Clean’?

But tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart?
But tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart?

Her white blank page & a swelling rage, rage
You did not think when you sent me to the brink, the brink
You desired my attention but denied my affections, affections

But tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart.
But tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart

Lead my to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Lead my to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life"

~Mumford and Sons~

This song has been haunting me since the moment I heard it. I can see him standing there, dressed as the knight he once was in life times past...The courts herald asking him...Can you kneel before this King and say 'I'm Clean'?
Why is it that you so much desire my attention but when I gave it to you you denied my affections? Do you even realize how close the brink you actually sent me?
I still think of you and miss you from time to time. I do hope you are well and that you are healing. As for me, I live, I Laugh and I Love and that is just how it is suppose to be.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My New Boyfreind. Marcus Mumford of the Mighty Mustache.


That mustache does things to me. Naughty tingly things. I love my new boyfriend Marcus Mumford of the awesome mustache. We shall be running away to England soon where I shall have all his babies and we shall live happily ever after forever and ever amen. :D

Hes a Rock Star...sort of....Totally talented. But hes a cute fat boy and I love him and were gonna run away together and live in England. :D...I'm not delusional...Nope, not me. Perfectly normal in every way!!!!!

And in ending to this post dear readers......It doesn't matter at all that hes only 24 either.....In fact...Its a plus.

Bad Bad Blogger

Its been since May of 2009 since I have poked my head on here and I should be thoroughly and utterly ashamed of myself.

Recently I have been helping a very close friend set up her blog and web site for her business and to help market herself and I'm lucky and blessed to be able to have helped her with those things, That is what brought me back here to my little blogging world I loved so much. (If you get a minute go check out her blog, She is incredible.

I use to love this blog. It was a venting tool for me even though no one ever read it. That was okay with me. It was my spot. My personal area of security and comfort. I would like to have that back.....So...I'm taking it back!

It's funny however, As I go through the past posts I cant help but laugh at my emo girl who lived here.

Just WOW. She had issues. Well...she still does but she doesn't come around much anymore.

I still have the same issues as I did two years ago. You know the issues.
In love with a guy who can be a total douche
Trying to date in today's world (that's a scary adventure in and of itself)
Trying to raise two teenage kids alone
And just dealing with the everyday things life likes to throw at me.

Luckily for me since I had last posted on this blog, I have found alot of really great tools to help me deal and cope with these fun little things that I didn't have before. (Alot of them coming from the lady I helped create the blog and web site for...seriously..check her it now...

So with all that being said, I'm glad to be back and I hope as my time permits me to be posting and publishing alot more over the next weeks months and years.