Tuesday, May 5, 2009

For Time And Eternity


We have been together for age after age. Through the great eons of time we have always found each other in one form or another.

I believe that this phrase is known as Soul Mate

12 lifetimes ago we lived in in Wales. I watched as you were unjustly accused of a crime you did not commit. A crime that was committed by a woman in your life. She did not step forward and set things right and you were accused. I watched as a noble lady stood aside and did nothing to save your life though she knew of the truth and could of saved you. I stood in the crowd and watched you hanged and I could do nothing. You were my brother and I loved you. I wanted to save you from these horrible women who wanted to hurt you. I still want to save you.

In another lifetime, too far gone in ancient history to count the lifetimes past, we lived in a native culture, possibly Mayan or Incan. You were my bound mate and I loved you.
I had to sit by and watch you leave time after time to explore and to have adventures. There was nothing I could do but sit and await your return. Then there came a time that you did not return to me. You were gone and again, there was nothing I could do. I wanted to save you and keep you safe by my side at home. I still want to save you.

In one of my lives however I made the choice to sequester myself away from the hurt I've felt throughout the generations of loosing you. I dedicated my life to the Celtic Moon Goddess, Rhiannon.
I had made a solid contract to serve her as her High Priestess and take no man unto myself.
It appears to me that this contract is still valid in this life for I seem to be alone once more.

It is not my Karma to save you E. That is a job for you. It grieves me not being able to help you along your path and your discoveries. I watch as you surround yourself with women who can hurt you and do not truly love you. I watch as you try to explore who you are and start out on new grand adventures in a new life. I do not begrudge you your adventures or your new discoveries, In fact I encourage it. But it just seems that once again it I am destined to sit and watch and wait. The problem is that I am tired of watching and waiting.

It was no accident that when I created my petition to the Universe to find my soul mate that I have found you and that you have found me. Once again throughout time and eternity we have come into one another's lives.
I do not wish to have to wait for another life time to have you, To hold you and to tell you how much I truly love you.

For I Truly, Deeply and Madly love you.

Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with the golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams beneath your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams...

~William Butler Yeats

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