Friday, April 3, 2009

Dead and Gone

From what I was to what I am now is a complete 360 turn around.

I use to weigh almost 300 lbs
I use to be so depressed I couldn't get out of bed in the morning
I was so dependant on my ex husband for my happiness I for got about everything else.

And then to add insult to injury my ex walked out on me on our 15 year anniversary
I lost it.

But then a light at the end of the tunnel
He was gone and I was free

I now wigh about 190 and I look fabulous
I learned I didn't need a husband to be happy, the happiness was inside the whole time
I learned I am dependable and I can depend on myself and not be dependant on anyone
I learned to like myself
I Like Myself

That is a phrase I haven't been able to say in along time
I am right where I need to be
I have a beautiful place to live
2 kids who love me and at times still need me
A good and stable job
A chance at a really good thing with a really great guy that I care so much about
I have let go of so much hate and that has freed up alot of space in my life
I have found my Patience

Ive travelled along way to get to where I'm at and yes, the old me is dead and gone.

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