Saturday, April 6, 2013


 photo Myheartontheline_zps9d8e73ec.jpg
Have I been a good friend to you? 
Have I always treated you with kindness, love, understanding and respect?
Have I always shown you how much you mean to me and just how much I care about you?
Have I always followed through with my promises?
Have I always done the things I said I would do for you?
Have I always been honest and truthful with you?
Have I always accepted you just the way you are? Flaws, Faults and all?
Have I always done everything I could to make you feel wanted, loved and cared for?

If I have failed in any of these things I am sorry. 
With my whole heart I am sorry.
You are my best friend and I would do anything for you just so I knew you were happy. 
All I have ever wanted was to be respected in the same way I respect you.

"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with the golden and silver light, The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and half-light, I would spread the cloths under your feet But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams beneath your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams..."
 William Butler Yeats

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní ach Grá

Tá cónaí orm taobh istigh do barróg.
Ciallaíonn Do glacadh gach rud
Is breá liom fós tú agus riamh stop
Tá mé ró-scanraithe chun tú a insint do aghaidh mar sin mé in iúl duit anseo.
Is breá liom tú.

stop a bhfuil mo lámh
Do teas agus do mothú a dhéanamh, dar liom compordach agus grá
Mo Gods daor conas grá agam duit

Riamh Tá sé seo mothú stop
Ba mhaith liom é a fás
Ba mhaith liom tú
Gods a thabhairt dom neart grá agam duit