Friday, April 6, 2012

Confessions of a Crazy White Woman


I CONFESS....I am ready for that perfect guy to finally come into my life. My timing where love is concerned has been WAAAYYYYY off for about 4 years now and I'm completely done with that.

I have found that I can live very well and comfortably on my own with no partner around. The issue is....I want a partner around. Not to save me from a sad lonely life and not to help me financially, I just want companionship. I have so much good stuff going on in my life right now and I want to share that with someone special


I CONFESS....that I miss holding hands


I Confess....that I miss my noisy little room mate Mr. Nibbles. He passed away last Tuesday and I genuinely miss that noisy little guy. I miss being woken up at 4 in the morning to listen to him wrestle with his cookie or run on his wheel or try to climb his water bottle in a failed attempt for freedom. He was about 2 years old, blind as a bat and his poor little heart just gave out on him. Rest Easy you Russian bastard, I will miss you!


I Confess....that I'm very tired off all the Bullshit back and forth on Facebook between my Pagan and Christian friends. There are certain Heathen's out there who want to point the finger at Christians for the troubles Pagans have been through throughout the centuries and there are certain Christians out there threatening to beat some Christianity into my heathen friends.


Okay folks, Let me straighten this out for you. Yes, I am Pagan, A full out Heathen and I love every second of it! And Yes, Jesus is my Friend!!!

Hold on, Hold on, I didn't say Savior, I said Friend.

My belief is that Jesus didn't die for my sins, My sins are my sins alone and its up to me to fix the mistakes I've made. However, Jesus gave me the tools to do just that. He taught me to live a life filled with love, joy, giving, healing and hope. To me Jesus was the most gifted Shaman the world has ever seen. I truly feel that beating Christianity into a bunch of Pagans is NOT and I repeat NOT what Jesus had in mind. What ever happened to Love one another. So to all my Christian friends I am going to give you a little bit of Buddhist advice.

"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost" ~The Dalai Lama~


To all my Heathen brothers and sisters, I have a BIG word of Advice...Chill the fuck out.

I know there are some of you out there that still feel the burning times. You still feel the assimilation we were forced to go through. You still feel the robbery of land, life and religion that the early Christians put us through.

I feel it too.

But the thing about it is....It happened CENTURIES ago. Yes, Christians took our calendar and holidays and have made them their own and had forced us to assimilate to their will. They burned us as Witches because they were scared of our power.

This however is today. Be proud of your choice of path you have taken and don't let the past get in the way. Learn from it and keep it close to your heart, but don't let it mire you in such hate that you miss the forest for the trees. We are Pagan, We are Proud, Live as an example of love, healing and forgiveness with a heart full of love and life!!!! Its time to let it go and just be who we were made to be. HEATHEN


And just remember.....As Heathens, We get to see the Fae and Christians don't!!! LOL. So at the least we have that one on them!!!!

I send you lots of love and brightest blessings

Blessed Be my friends