Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm Fabulous


Hello Blogger Land.

So sorry I haven't been around much to fill you up with my Head Fluff this last month or so but things do tend to get a bit busy from time to time. You know how it goes.

Lately I have been feeling alot of weird nasty energy around me and this is unusual for me. I am pretty good at keeping this kind of Junior High Bullshit at bay and out of my bubble. You know the type....A lot of whispering and back talking and nit picking and small pointy jabbing when they think I am not looking or listening. What they don't realize is....I'm always looking and I'm always listening.

At first it hurt. Yes I do have tender feelings, I am a Leo after all, and as I sat here contemplating the why's and wherefore's of the situation a phrase my mother use to say to me came floating into my head...."You got a case of the LBBB'S" (Little Bitty Bitey Bastard's or in my case Bitches!)

Why yes mother, I am covered in LBBB's. Everywhere I turn these last few days I am running into Bitches biting and poking at me behind my back. For the longest time I couldn't understand Why? I am friendly, I am open and honest and very Loyal....then it hit me.....

That Green Eyed Monster thingy...you know....It's called Jealousy.
LBBB's are jealous just for the simple fact that I am utterly and truly FABULOUS!!!!!! Big head.....Not so much, I question myself everyday about who I am and what I am doing with my life. Always questioning that I am making the right decisions for me and my children. I am always wondering what others think of me and how they react to me. Questions Questions Questions.

I am not so fabulous that I am immune to issues in my life. I have had my share of troubles come up in my life and yes, Some of these troubles are worse than others and alot harder to deal with than most people can handle.

However, It's how I deal with all these Questions and Doubts, It is how I deal with my issues and troubles that makes me truly fabulous.

I stay true to ME!!!!! I love who I am, I love what I do and how I do it. I love my knowledge, My quirkiness, my unending energy and my unyielding power to love with my entire being. I bow down to no one and I wont change my attitude or way of self being to suit someon's ideas of who I should be. I am here on this Earth to make the most out of this life I have. I am here for ME!!!!!!

Yes I question myself everyday, But I am also fortunate enough to get answers to my questions, and the answers I get tell me I am on the right path doing the right thing and to let no one AND I mean NO ONE get in my way on my path to true happiness.

I look at the troubles and issues that have been laid at my feet and yes at times they can be tiring and spirit breaking, yet, I cannot and will not let them break me. I look at these challenges as just that...Challenges. Learning Opportunity, A chance to grow and become better than I had been a minute before, a day before, a week before a year before, a lifetime before.

It is this attitude that has helped me to succeed at anything I put my mind to and its that success that make these LBBB's jealous and bitey stabby poky pains in my ass. But its OK, Its just another challenge to help make me a better person with more love in my heart and more patience to deal with these tiny beings who cannot get past there own self doubts and there own questions and challenges. This is helping me to understand why Individuals like this cannot look at the truth of there own lives and do what they need to do to make themselves the best individuals they can be. In a way, I feel sorry for these people who participate in these types of Junior High Antics. There is no chance for them to learn and grow and that is heart breaking.

An old saying comes to mind...."When you assume you make an Ass out of you and me"

And lastly, A snippitt I read on Facebook sums this whole Blog post up nicely.

"Do not worry about people talking "behind your back", it just means that you are one step ahead of them and they are exactly in the right position to bend over and kiss your ass!"

So get out of my way Bitches, I'm Fabulous!!!!!!